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How do you find the weak areas in your voice? The perfect solution is to record yourself. You don’t need a professional recording from a studio, just use voice memo or whatever your phone uses to record; computers also have a way to record your voice as you sing. As you listen to yourself, you need to analyze your voice, as if you were listening to someone else. Don’t go down a critical path, think of yourself as a judge…
Read MoreAs a young artist, it’s important to know the industry as best you can. There are powerful and controlling people in the industry who will try to take control of what you have created and change it to fit their version of the song. Stand your ground and make your own decisions. Do your homework and read up on how to you’re your carrier forward. Once you get recognition for a song and you are getting noticed it’s your responsibility…
Read MoreTrying to define your own style or image as an artist can be intimidating. Are you trying to make your voice stand out from the rest? You can develop your own unique style by copying other artists. Any artist will tell you they got their own style by first copying their favorite stars. Here are six steps to help you find your own sound and stand out. 1. An Artist has a distinct and recognizable sound. This has to do…
Read MoreMusic plays a vital role in everyone’s lives and there are seven elements that are used no matter what genre you sing, play or listen to each day. These aspects of a song guide you as you play the song on the piano or sing the song as a lead (or background) vocalist. These fundamental ingredients put together, create a beautiful song. Let’s start with the Melody, which is an arrangement of musical sounds which is sung by a vocalist…
Read MoreEvery singer strives to sing with control and power in their voice, very few start out that way. Here are ten commandments for every singer. Ten things to remember and keep you on track every day. 1 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s voice. Every singer is different and all singers have strengths and weaknesses. Be thankful for your gifts and don’t let those negative thoughts enter your mind. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. There is no comparison. 2 …
Read MoreWhat does it take to keep your voice in shape. As a singer, your voice is your calling card, your instrument. Any type of irritation in the throat can ruin a successful performance. Keeping your voice in tip top shape is not complicated and if you want a career as a singer, keeping your voice in good health should be your number one priority! If you have a tickle in your throat is most likely caused by dryness in the…
Read MoreMany famous singers are not the most gifted soloists. Artists like Bob Dylan, Madonna, Kanye West and Paris Hilton are not technically gifted vocalists. To be success as a singer requires daily practice. Very few people are amazing singers from the beginning. The first step is to learn more vocal skills. We will look at a few important basics to create a good vocal foundation. The top qualities of a solid vocal foundation are pitch, clear enunciation, diaphragm and breath…
Read MoreWhen you sing a song or play a song on the piano, it’s important that you connect to the song. The singer or pianist will need to feel and emotionally connect to the song. Sometimes people (including children) attach to the melody or beat. You should pick a song that had some personal meaning to you. When a song is personally meaningful, your desire to share the message will drive your performance. This will instantly improve your performance because you…
Read MoreIt’s important for a singer to get comfortable with their voice and master healthy vocal technique. To gain confidence while singing requires practice in front of different settings. Try singing in a karaoke bar, open mic night, or even a family gathering. If you are singing in a new venue, go to the stage when no one else is around, walk the stage and get a feel for the venue. If it’s possible, check out the sound system and microphone.…
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