It’s easy to identify which students will go the farthest as a singer or pianist. It’s not always the one with the most talent, it’s the students who enjoy the process of learning how to sing or play the piano. There is a real interest in understanding, learning, and enjoying the practice. Have you ever worked on a song or songs, over and over, perfecting your technique and realized that you’ve been working on these songs for an hour or…

Which Students Will Be The Most Successful?

It’s easy to identify which students will go the farthest as a singer or pianist. It’s not always the one with the most talent, it’s the students who enjoy the process of learning how to sing or play the piano. There is a real interest in understanding, learning, and enjoying the practice. Have you ever worked on a song or songs, over and over, perfecting your technique and realized that you’ve been working on these songs for an hour or two. That is when you know you love what you are doing and enjoy the process of improving.

It’s important to create a practice time that keeps you interested. I love to work on some older songs that I know and enjoy singing or playing. From there, I will work on a new song or two, learning the melody, ect. So, the practice routine that keeps you interested and your mind fresh is the right choice for you. It’s important to choose songs that spark your interest and you love to sing or play. Have fun while practicing and have a purpose when you practice. Set some goals for yourself and make sure you have a practice space that is comfortable for you and helps you to be more creative. Everyone is different, so what works for you may not work for someone else.

I had a client (singer) who I thought was not the most talented singer, frequently off the notes (pitchy) but she had a real passion for singing and was very determined. She practiced all the time and became one of my best singers. I realized then that if someone is determined, passionate about their craft and works hard, nothing is impossible. When you hit the trifecta, that is a client (student) who has the talent, has the passion and loves the process of practicing amazing things happen. Do you have the talent, passions and determination to stand out above the rest!


What did the piano player say to the tightrope walker?

You better C sharp or you’ll B flat!

Michelle Ostrove
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