Technique is a skillful way of executing a song, whether it is singing or playing the piano. Technique deals with the concept of tone, musicality and expression in your performance. It is the ability to exert optimal control of the piano or your singing voice. Improving your technique entails practicing exercises that strengthen your muscular sensitivity and agility. Proper vocal technique allows singers to produce a warm, rich sound that is conducive to achieving a good vocal performance. Your posture,…


Technique is a skillful way of executing a song, whether it is singing or playing the piano. Technique deals with the concept of tone, musicality and expression in your performance. It is the ability to exert optimal control of the piano or your singing voice. Improving your technique entails practicing exercises that strengthen your muscular sensitivity and agility.

Proper vocal technique allows singers to produce a warm, rich sound that is conducive to achieving a good vocal performance. Your posture, breathing, opening your throat, dropping your jaw, thinking down for high notes. All of these things will produce consistently good vocal sound. Relax your facial muscles: release tension in the lips, tongue and jaw. Having a relaxed face helps you to sing the high notes as well as hitting the low notes. Try a huge yawn to stretch your jaw.

Piano technique is the ability to create the right sound at the right time with the piano. It is the ability to understand the music and your interaction with the piano. Proper piano technique is not just about hitting the right keys. Technique is about the way you sit, how you drop your fingers onto the piano (which affect the sound of the piano), executing staccato, legato and dynamics. Correct posture and sitting position will allow you to translate energy from your entire body to the fingertips.

Excellent technique provides the ability to have optimal control over the piano or singing performance, giving you the precise musical effects desired. Daily exercises will help sharpen your vocal skills and scales, chords, chord inversions, arpeggios, and cadencesexercises will strengthen your piano technique.


Where did the music teacher leave her keys?

In the piano.

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