

A chord progression is a series of chords played in sequence (in a specific order) for musical composition. The chords used in a chord progression will depend upon the key that the song is in. Every singer, pianist (musician) and songwriter needs to understand chord progressions.

Chord progressions are usually expressed in Roman numerals, for example I-V-vi-IV (which is 1-5-6-4) which is a common progression. So if this sequence of chords were played in the key of G major, the chords would be G-D-E-C. The major chords have a happier sound, while the minor chords have a mysterious and sad sound. Each genre of music has their own chord progressions that are commonly used. For instance, blues and rock music are typically made up of three chords and called the twelve-bar blues. The three chords are I-IV-V, which would be G-C-D in the key of G major. The I is called the tonic chord, the IV is called the subdominant and V is called the dominant. These are the only three chords with capital roman numerals all the rest are lower case ii (two), iii (three), vi (six), vii (seven).

For instance, the song “All of Me” by John Legend, if played in the key of G, the chord progression would be vi-iv-I-V which would be Em-C-G-D, which is repeated over and over again. Listen to Natalie Roriguez sing “All of Me” and listen to the chord progression.


What do you call a cow that plays the piano?

A Moo-sician

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