

The formation of clear and distinct sounds, clarity in playing or singing successive notes is key. Articulation, diction, enunciation are different ways to describe how you sing. It is the way in which we enunciate our words as we sing them.

If you add inflection, accent, intonation this will add texture to your singing voice; how you sing your vowels sounds and close out your words, will create a very unique vocal sound. When you hear Rhianna sing, listen to how she enunciates her vowel sounds. She comes from Barbados and has a Caribbean accent. This influences how she pronounces words and vowel sounds.

If a singer really works on articulation, clarity, projection and conveyance of words sung using the tongue and the lips, a unique and different sound can be created. When classical music is sung, articulation is very precise, the words and notes are very clear and crisp. In pop, contemporary and country music the notes and words are less crisp and precise; notes and words sometimes bend.

I’ve attached Audrey Diaz, at age 8, singing “Valerie” with a perfect example of articulation, enunciation, and inflection in her vocal sound. Children are easily molded with simple instructions. They don’t think to hard about what you are saying. Just by saying adding emphasis to the beginning of some words (accent) or using simple analogies like skipping a rock in the water for inflection of words, they interpret with simplicity and this is what happens!

Joke for the Day: What do you get if you cross a sweet potato and a jazz musician? A yam session

Michelle Ostrovemichelle ostrove blogmichelle ostrove vocal & piano studiopiano lessonssinging lessonsvocal coachvoice lessonsarticulationenunciationaccentvocal techniquedictionvoice teachersinging teacher
