There has been scientific proof that singing is good for you on many levels. It improves your mental health and strengthens your memory. When you sing, your vocal cords, muscles in the neck and rib cage area are getting a work out. The small muscles in the neck and head are responsible for creating sound, as well as vocal cords. It’s important to express your passion with your whole body because singing is physical. Try bending your knees and engage your quads (thigh muscles) while keeping your upper body relaxed and free as a bird. In fact, it is a complex physical act even though it does not demand the same physical exertion as an athlete, but it does require a lot of mental focus.


There has been scientific proof that singing is good for you on many levels. It improves your mental health and strengthens your memory. When you sing, your vocal cords, muscles in the neck and rib cage area are getting a work out. The small muscles in the neck and head are responsible for creating sound, as well as vocal cords. It’s important to express your passion with your whole body because singing is physical. Try bending your knees and engage your quads (thigh muscles) while keeping your upper body relaxed and free as a bird. In fact, it is a complex physical act even though it does not demand the same physical exertion as an athlete, but it does require a lot of mental focus.

When you are singing, your brain is focused on learning the new song. Research has shown that singing improves your mental health, helps you mentally deal with emotional pain and lowers stress levels. Your mental status is very important when you sing because your mental status will impact your sound. If you are lacking confidence or feeling upset it will affect your sound in a negative way. Music and singing can be a powerful complimentary therapy which is used in hospitals.


Banjo players spend half their lives tuning and the other half playing out of tune.

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