

The best way to sing is with a balanced voice! The balanced voice is airflow & vocal folds are brought together at the same time. This will give a singer a well-balanced connection and a natural singing voice, which creates a smooth sound. The best thing you can ever do as a singer is really build a solid foundation when you sing. It kind of like building a house, you have to have a solid foundation of cement. As a singer, you have to learn three major parts of a solid foundation as a singer. By mastering these three fundamentals of singing you will have a solid and controlled voice.

There are three main components to singing with a balanced voice. The first element is learning how to control your air flow on the exhale. Challenge yourself each day to hold the note longer, which means the release of air is a slow and steady stream.

The second element is keeping your larynx in a neutral or low position. You never want to force the larynx down, let it naturally lower. What you are trying to achieve is an open throat.

The third component is vocal cord alignment. When you make sound (the exhale of air), there are two opposing forces needed to make the sound; air that is coming from your lungs up your windpipe vertically and the vocal folds closing horizontally over the windpipe to resist the air. This creates the air pressure, which in turn creates the sound.

For most singers, the balanced voice is encouraged. It creates a well-supported note that is clearly without tension. Every singer is different and it depends on what they natural lean towards. Listen to Audrey Diaz as she sings “Telepatia” with a smooth and balanced (connected) voice.


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