Nervous when singing can cause a noticeable change in your voice tone. A shaky voice will convey nervousness which can be a big issue. A nervous vocal sound when you are singing or speaking in public will disappoint the audience. Conveying nervousness in your voice tone or body language can reduce your chances of success in anything that you do.


Nervous when singing can cause a noticeable change in your voice tone. A shaky voice will convey nervousness which can be a big issue. A nervous vocal sound when you are singing or speaking in public will disappoint the audience. Conveying nervousness in your voice tone or body language can reduce your chances of success in anything that you do.

It’s important to convey confidence when you sing. Try to concentrating on positive thoughts, not messing up, your goal is to project confidence and authority in your vocal tone. Another element is to

put energy and effort into your diction and pronunciation of the words you sing. One way to identify common sign of nervousness is when the words fade or mumbled words.

Always use your body language and posture to project confidence. Research data shows when you communicate with others, the words you speak or sing only represent seven percent of your feelings and body language conveying 55 percent. Never display slumped shoulders or posture, fidgeting and twitching motions. The body language screams nervousness and insecurity. Practice singing in front of a mirror or use friends and family as a practice audience. Try to record yourself with video or just record the audio and listen objectively as if you were listening to someone else.


Why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella? Fo’drizzle!

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