It takes a significant amount of dedication to play the piano or sing at a professional level. Most professional singers and musicians (pianists) typically practice one to two hours a day. Regularly practicing is the only way to get there. Not only will it allow you to maintain your current skill level but, it is the only way to improve your skill set. It’s best to practice daily for a shorter amount of time than spending four once or twice…


It takes a significant amount of dedication to play the piano or sing at a professional level. Most professional singers and musicians (pianists) typically practice one to two hours a day. Regularly practicing is the only way to get there. Not only will it allow you to maintain your current skill level but, it is the only way to improve your skill set. It’s best to practice daily for a shorter amount of time than spending four once or twice a week. You want to build up stamina whether it’s singing or playing the piano.

First thing to do is change your mind-set about practice; think of it as an exciting time to enrich your brain, expand your mind and enlighten you soul. Practice as often as you can. If you start with 15 minutes a day and increase gradually up to 30 minutes a day, next thing you know an hour has gone by and it will seem like 10 minutes. The more piano practice, the quicker you will see improvement.

If you want to make changes to your voice, you will need to practice as often as you can. The more you sing, the stronger your voice becomes. Remember, your voice is a muscle that needs to be exercised. Although everybody has a natural range, you can actually expand higher and lower just by practicing and doing your vocal exercises. Take your voice to the gym every day!

Practicing is absolutely VITAL to take you to the next level. What you put into it is what you will get out of it. Professional singers and musicians love to play, love to practice, it’s their passion and they love doing it. So remember, change your thinking about practice; look at it as a fun time doing what you love.


Why shouldn’t you let kids watch big band performances on TV?

Too much sax and violins.

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