
Emotional Connection To A Song

To sing or play piano with true emotion means to have the ability to create an emotional connection to a song you are singing or playing. That’s why true artists are sensitive and emotional people. To put emotion into your singing or playing piano, you must feel the emotion yourself. Whether it’s joy, sadness, longing, pain, love, etc., you must feel it in order to release it to others. For a singer or pianist, it could be the music or the lyrics that draw you in or it could be both. Have you ever listened to a song and the music moved you deeply? That’s why people go to concerts, to feel that connection with the artist through the music they created.

Children need to develop an emotional intelligence, it’s critical to their success in life. When a child sings a song about feelings it expands their emotional intelligence. It gives them a broader awareness and promotes flexibility of thought, nurtures empathy, and helps them connect with their peers. It helps them to identify, understand and process emotions. Listen to the video attached of Faith Tanner singing “All I Want” you can feel the emotion in her singing as she connects to certain phrases and the melody of the song.


What is the difference between a fish and a piano? You can’t tuna fish!

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