

There are a few key ingredients needed to achieve vocal perfection. Everyone can tell the difference between a good singer and a great singer. There are common traits that great singers have in common who have achieved vocal perfection. The pitch, emotion, technique and confidence are the perfect combination to create vocal perfection.

Some singers are born with great pitch while others have to work at training their ears to listen and make sure the notes are correct. It is something they have to continuously practice, work on and correct. If you need to work at it, it’s ok, many professional singers have a tendency to slide flat (below the note) or sharp (above the note). As long as you can hear it you can fix it.

The ability to move from one register to another (passaggio) is needed to create a smooth and cohesive sound. A solo singer needs to smoothly transition between the head, and chest voice. The middle voice can be tricky to navigate. You may have heard the term “bridging the registers” or “blending the registers”, which is simply moving from one vocal register to another seamlessly.

Another quality for vocal perfection is good technique. Proper vocal technique allows singers to produce a warm, rich sound that is conducive to achieving a good vocal performance. Your posture, breathing, open throat, dropping your jaw and thinking down for high notes. All of these things will produce consistently good vocal technique.

The number one difference between a good singer and a great singer is feeling and emotive singing. To put emotion into your singing, you must feel the emotion yourself. For any music performance, it’s the music or the lyrics that draw you in with the touch of sweet emotion that floods the senses.

So, if you put perfect pitch, the ability to move from one register to another with ease, great technique, and emotion in the vocals will create a great voice. But to create vocal perfection you must have confidence! A singer without confidence will create all kinds of problems with your voice. The more you perform the more your confidence will grow. This is a key issue for your development if you want to be a performing artist. Being confident is nothing more than believing in yourself; confidence comes from within. Listen to the attached video of Audrey Diaz and her vocal growth over the years.


Why does the orchestra have bad manners? Because it doesn’t know how to conduct itself.


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