Whatever you do, do your best. If your best is not good enough, learn how to do it better. It doesn’t matter how small the task is, do you best. If you are interning at a studio and you have to get coffee, make sure you get it right! Pay attention and be curious of your surroundings. There is a saying “Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude” or “Attitude Determines Your Destiny.” If you want to be a singer, pianist, musician or songwriter, be your best every day, have a great attitude, work hard at what you are good at, most of all, try and learn something new every day.
By having a great attitude and doing your best at whatever you do will give you a sense of accomplishment and you will feel good about yourself. This will affect your surrounding and how people interact with you.
Who you hang around with is who you will become. Surrounding yourself with people of character, good natured, positive people will enhance your life. If you surround yourself with negative or fake people, who are only out for self-gain. The negativity will drain you and cause you to feel like a cloud is looming over your head. Be very aware of what you put into your mind and what thoughts are going through your mind all day long. You cannot prevent bad thoughts from entering your mind, but you can prevent dwelling on them. Replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts. This is an ongoing exercise for your entire life.
Integrity is very important and how you conduct yourself. Are you polite to people, honest, do you show up on time, are you prepared and when you say you’re going to do something, do it. Happiness is a choice, a good attitude is a choice, and doing the right thing is a choice, dwelling on positive thoughts is a choice; make good choices.
What do you call an acid with an attitude?
A – meano-acid!
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