Music is created with rhythm, tempo and timing. One of the first things you see in music notation is the time signature, which tells you how many beats are contained in each measure. Timing is everything for a singer, pianist and musician. To sing or play like a pro you must have the ability to “keep time” accurately and to synchronize with other instruments or singer. Always keep a steady tempo, it’s the easiest way to tell an amateur from…


Music is created with rhythm, tempo and timing. One of the first things you see in music notation is the time signature, which tells you how many beats are contained in each measure. Timing is everything for a singer, pianist and musician. To sing or play like a pro you must have the ability to “keep time” accurately and to synchronize with other instruments or singer. Always keep a steady tempo, it’s the easiest way to tell an amateur from a professional.

A time signature tells you how to count in the song. For instance, if you’ve ever been to a basketball game and they play the song “We Will Rock You”, I’m sure you’ve clapped to the beat or stomped your feet 1,2,3,4,  1,2,3,4,  1,2,3,4. The time signature for “We Will Rock You” is 4/4 and the top number 4 represents the number of beats per measure or what you would count in each measure 1,2,3,4 over and over.

An audience will notice right away, any deviations (slowing down, going to slow or speeding up) not consistently counting the same number of beats in every measure. You must develop a strong sense of musical timing if you want to be taken seriously. A metronome can really help you play the piano more accurate and at a consistent pace. You can find different sounding metronomes on Youtube.

If you are a singer, a metronome will not help much unless you are singing in a acapella group. For a singer it’s about feeling the music, movement, clapping to the beat, or dancing are ways to help the vocalist. Tapping to the beat is essentially the same thing as playing with a metronome, it’s a little bit more engaging than the simple boring ticking of the metronome.


What kind of a band doesn’t play music?                                      A Rubber Band!!

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