A simple and effective way to help you build self confidence in a performance, whether it’s singing or playing piano, is by focusing on the song and not the audience. If you get lost in the song, you will not be thinking about the audience. By focusing on the song will also help you overcome the fear. If you are focusing on the song, lyrics and the emotion of the song, you mind will immerse in the music. Your brain…


A simple and effective way to help you build self confidence in a performance, whether it’s singing or playing piano, is by focusing on the song and not the audience. If you get lost in the song, you will not be thinking about the audience. By focusing on the song will also help you overcome the fear.

If you are focusing on the song, lyrics and the emotion of the song, you mind will immerse in the music. Your brain will not focus on the fear and there will be little room for negative thoughts. If you try imagining the audience cheering for you, this will help as well.

By focusing on the lyrics and the meaning of the song will help you relay the message to your audience. Remember why the song is important to you and why you want the audience to understand your feelings and the message. The emotional connection will move you and therefore move the audience.

Instead of looking directly at the faces in crowd, look past them toward the back of the room. It’s ok to close your eyes once in a while and just feel the song. If you look to the back of the room, it will also help you not get distracted or fearful. The audience will never know, they will think you are looking at other people.


“Jazz isn’t dead. It just smells funny.”
Frank Zappa

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