How do you know if you are singing from the throat? Do you feel any strain when you are singing? Does your throat feel irritated after singing? Singing should never cause pain or strain. You cannot fix a problem unless you know it exists. Here are a few ways to determine if you’re singing from you throat and how to address it: To address singing from the throat and develop proper vocal technique: To be an excellent and strong singer…


How do you know if you are singing from the throat? Do you feel any strain when you are singing? Does your throat feel irritated after singing? Singing should never cause pain or strain. You cannot fix a problem unless you know it exists. Here are a few ways to determine if you’re singing from you throat and how to address it:

  1. Physical Sensations: Pay attention to how your throat feels when you are singing. If you feel strain, tension, or discomfort in your throat muscles too much.
  2. Sound Quality: Listen to the sound of your voice when you sing. If you hear a strained or tight quality, rather than a free and resonant tone.
  3. Vocal Control: Notice if you have difficulty maintaining consistent pitch, volume, or tone quality while singing.

To address singing from the throat and develop proper vocal technique:

  1. Focus on Breath Support: Engaging the abdominal, lower back muscles, and the intercostal muscles are crucial for creating a solid support system. Practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing to support your voice effectively.
  2. Relaxation Technique: Learn to relax your throat muscles while singing. Tension in the throat can inhibit resonance and strain the voice.
  3. Seek Vocal Training: Consider working with a vocal coach who can provide guidance on your technique.
  4. Exercises: Here are a few exercises that will help overcome singing from the throat. The Bubble (lip trill) and R’ Roll (tongue trill) will train you. These two exercises do many amazing things for your voice.

To be an excellent and strong singer you must have vocal support! If you are singing from the diaphragm area you will be able to sing for hours without voice problems.


“If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do, and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that…I believe in what I do, and I’ll say it.” – John Lennon

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