Stage presence is a combination of energy, charm and charisma. Your visual appearance, body language and charismatic presentation will fire up the audience. I’m sure you have heard the say “dress to impress” or “dress for the position you want,” but these are wise words. How you present yourself to others matters. First impressions leave lasting memories. How do you want the audience to perceive you as an artist? When you come out on the stage, bring your confidence, swagger and attitude.  The presentation of ones’ self creates the mood for the audience. Stand tall with good posture (imagine a string being pulled up from the top of your head). Make sure your shoulders are back and don’t fidget!
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Stage presence is a combination of energy, charm and charisma. Your visual appearance, body language and charismatic presentation will fire up the audience. I’m sure you have heard the say “dress to impress” or “dress for the position you want,” but these are wise words. How you present yourself to others matters. First impressions leave lasting memories. How do you want the audience to perceive you as an artist? When you come out on the stage, bring your confidence, swagger and attitude.  The presentation of ones’ self creates the mood for the audience. Stand tall with good posture (imagine a string being pulled up from the top of your head). Make sure your shoulders are back and don’t fidget! Now, it’s time for your runway model walk (just kidding).

Your piano posture is just as important as how you present yourself. The bench should be away from the piano, not right under the keys. When seated at the piano bench, keep your neck aligned with your back. This is to avoid a forward neck. Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle and do not let your wrists drop lower than the keys or higher than your hands.  Pretend you are holding a ball in your hand, now relax and play with your fingertips.

You need to understand your identity as a performer. Know you audience and create a unique look. Work on your body language when you are up on stage and remember the stage is yours.


“A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence.”

– Leopold Stokowski

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