What is music theory? Music theory is the study of music, examining all of the components that are used in writing a piece of music. Music theory studies the fundamental elements in the music language. It looks at goes in depth concerning notes, chords, rhythm, melody, form and harmonies. It is the compilation of methods and concepts musicians use in music composition. Theory is also a set of rules and guidelines that are used to create and analyze music. Music…


What is music theory? Music theory is the study of music, examining all of the components that are used in writing a piece of music. Music theory studies the fundamental elements in the music language. It looks at goes in depth concerning notes, chords, rhythm, melody, form and harmonies. It is the compilation of methods and concepts musicians use in music composition. Theory is also a set of rules and guidelines that are used to create and analyze music.

Music theory is an important skill to have as a singer, musician or producer. It helps to understand the foundational grammar of the music language. As a musician, singers or producers, music theory provides a way to communicate when writing and recording music. It helps to communicate ideas in the right way and be on the same creative path.

It’s important for a singer to understand the basic concepts and have the ability to read music, but it’s not necessary. Just like a pianist, it’s important to be able to read the music and understand music theory. Although there are people who play by ear. The more you know the better you will be!


“Music once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies.” – Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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