There are five different elements involved when singing or playing the melody. The pitch, dynamics, phrasing, emotion and textures are key factors. The last blog discussed the first two components pitch and dynamics. This blog will look at the last three, phrasing, emotion and textures.

The third element is the phrasing of words being sung. The singer or musician will use phrasing to create amazing and intoxicating patterns in the melody. Phrasing is how you break down a song into musical ideas. Phrasing includes where to take a breath, pauses and where to place emphasis. Here is an example, sing through “Happy Birthday” the way you sing it at a birthday party. Now, sing the song the way Marilyn Monroe sang it. Monroe’s version is distinctly different because of the phrasing. Here is a clip of her singing:


There are five different elements involved when singing or playing the melody. The pitch, dynamics, phrasing, emotion and textures are key factors. The last blog discussed the first two components pitch and dynamics. This blog will look at the last three, phrasing, emotion and textures.

The third element is the phrasing of words being sung. The singer or musician will use phrasing to create amazing and intoxicating patterns in the melody. Phrasing is how you break down a song into musical ideas. Phrasing includes where to take a breath, pauses and where to place emphasis. Here is an example, sing through “Happy Birthday” the way you sing it at a birthday party. Now, sing the song the way Marilyn Monroe sang it. Monroe’s version is distinctly different because of the phrasing. Here is a clip of her singing:

The fourth element is the emotion of the song which has to be felt by the singer or pianist. The emotion is transferred from the artist to the audience. Without emotion the melody will fall flat.

And the fifth element is texture. Texture can be added with vibrato, staccatos, accents and harmonies. Using different vocal techniques like singing in a mixed voice, belting, or a light and breathy sound will add texture to the melody.


“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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