The melody is an arrangement of musical notes which are sung by a vocalist or played by an instrument. It is what most people remember after listening to a song. Kenny G plays the melody of his songs with the saxophone. There are five different elements involved when singing or playing the melody. The pitch, dynamics, phrasing, emotion and textures are key factors when singing or playing the melody. Let’s discuss the pitch and dynamics in this blog.


The melody is an arrangement of musical notes which are sung by a vocalist or played by an instrument. It is what most people remember after listening to a song. Kenny G plays the melody of his songs with the saxophone. There are five different elements involved when singing or playing the melody. The pitch, dynamics, phrasing, emotion and textures are key factors when singing or playing the melody. Let’s discuss the pitch and dynamics in this blog.

The first element is the pitch of the melody with the highs and lows of the song. What key is the song in and what are the note patterns in the song. For instance, “we will, we will rock you” by Queen, repeats the melodic pattern over and over again. The repetitive melodic pattern leaves an imprint in your mind. So simple, yet holds a lasting impression.

The second element is the dynamics in a melody. The dynamics refers to the range of volume that is sung or played. You can start softly and build in volume. As you reach the chorus the volume should be much louder. Music theory has a scale for dynamics: pianississimo (very, very soft), pianissimo (very soft), piano (soft), mezzo piano (medium soft), mezzo forte (medium loud), forte (loud), fortissimo (very loud) and fortississimo (very, very loud).


“Music is a higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy” – Ludwig van Beethoven

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