Every solo singer needs to be able to transition between the head and chest voice. Blending your voice from one register to another with ease and eliminate a shift in sound. Also, if multiple people are singing together, the voices need to blend together while harmonizing. Many singers experience a sudden change in tone moving from one register to another. This is caused by vocal tension and lack of good vocal technique. Using good vocal exercises like the Bubble (lip…


Every solo singer needs to be able to transition between the head and chest voice. Blending your voice from one register to another with ease and eliminate a shift in sound. Also, if multiple people are singing together, the voices need to blend together while harmonizing.

Many singers experience a sudden change in tone moving from one register to another. This is caused by vocal tension and lack of good vocal technique. Using good vocal exercises like the Bubble (lip trills) or R’ Roll (tongue trill) really help with vocal control. The two trill exercises will teach you how to blend your voice smoothly from one register to another. The exercises will train the throat muscles to open and not constrict. When the throat muscle constrict it causes vocal tension.

When singers are harmonizing together, the voices need to blend with volume, tone, style and vowel sounds to match the other singers. The timing and vibrato (or no vibrato) need to be in sync. Singers need to be able to adjust their pitch so they match the other singers.  


“Music is…A higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy” – Ludwig van Beethoven

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