Learn how to sing with an open throat. Eliminate the breaks in your singing voice. 
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Every singer should know how to move from one register to another with ease. The ability to move from low to high notes without any vocal restriction is something that needs to be taught. It is not something that happens naturally. To sing through registers requires you to keep an open throat.

As you move from the chest to middle register, or middle to head register, the throat muscles sometimes constrict. When the throat muscles constrict, the air way closes and vocal cords stop vibrating. If the throat channel is open, more vibration can amplify in various degrees of intensity in the oral and nasal cavities.

Training your throat muscles to stay open, no matter what register you are singing in, takes practice. The bubble or lip trill exercise and the r’ roll or tongue trill exercise are great vocal exercises to help retrain the throat muscles stay open and not constrict.

Keeping an open throat while singing will amplify your vocal sound and give you a much richer tone. There will be no straining when you use proper vocal technique.


“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” – Arthur O’Shaughney

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