What is the difference between singing in a major key, verses singing in a minor key? When singing a song in a major key, the tone of the song will have a brighter, cheery sound. Whereas, the minor key will have a sad, mysterious or menacing sound.

Every major key has a particular chord structure, and each chord has three or four notes in it. The chord consists of the first (root), third and fifth note. If it is a seventh chord, then a fourth note is added.

A minor key has a particular chord structure just like the major key and each chord has three or four notes in it as well. The difference is the minor chord is created by lowering the third note a half step or semitone. Lowering the third completely change the sound and the feel of the chord and song.


What is the difference between singing in a major key, verses singing in a minor key? When singing a song in a major key, the tone of the song will have a brighter, cheery sound. Whereas, the minor key will have a sad, mysterious or menacing sound.

Every major key has a particular chord structure, and each chord has three or four notes in it. The chord consists of the first (root), third and fifth note. If it is a seventh chord, then a fourth note is added.

A minor key has a particular chord structure just like the major key and each chord has three or four notes in it as well. The difference is the minor chord is created by lowering the third note a half step or semitone. Lowering the third completely change the sound and the feel of the chord and song.

If you were to play a chord on the piano or keyboard, the C major chord would be C E G. To change the chord from C major to C minor is done by lowering the third note, which is E, so the C minor chord would be C Eb G. This creates a darker more sinister tone and vibe for the song.

“The most exciting rhythms seem unexpected and complex, the most beautiful melodies simple and inevitable.” – W.H. Auden

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