The greatest singers in the world can’t sing every note. You may not be able to sing every note, but you should know your vocal range. Your vocal range is the distance between the highest and lowest notes that you can sing well. You’ll never hear a professional singer straining for a high note or a low note, because they choose songs in their range.
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singing teacher
piano teacher


The greatest singers in the world can’t sing every note. You may not be able to sing every note, but you should know your vocal range. Your vocal range is the distance between the highest and lowest notes that you can sing well. You’ll never hear a professional singer straining for a high note or a low note, because they choose songs in their range.

A tell-tale of an amateur singer is not knowing what their range is and choosing a song that is too high or too low for their voice. The result is many missed notes and a strained voice. You can also damage your vocal cords from vocal strain.

To figure out what you range is, contact a vocal coach and let them help you. Another way to find your vocal range is by using a piano or a keyboard. When singing up and down the piano, use the sound “Ah.” Start at middle C on the piano and move up the piano until you cannot sing any higher. Now, go back to middle C and move down the piano keys to the lowest note you can sing.

Knowing your vocal range is part of being the best singer you can be. This knowledge will help you choose songs that will help your voice shine.


“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” – Aldous Huxley

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