Music theory in regards to melody, chords, chord progressions, harmonies, form, scales, intervals, rhythm and phrasing.
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Part II of “What Is Music Theory” we will look at four more elements that comprise music theory. The previous blog reviewed the key signature and scales. Today we will look at the melody, chords, chord progression, harmonies and form.


The main elements of the melody are scales, intervals, rhythm and phrasing. The melody will consist of the notes found in the scale. The scale provides a tonal framework of the song. The intervals will create tension or it can provide resolution, which adds emotional depth to the song. The rhythm will dictate the timing of the notes in a melody and phrasing will help create a memorable melody.

Chords and Chord Progressions

The chords provide a type of harmony to the song. A chord progression is how the chords are arranged in a specific sequence.


Harmonies significantly build up and enhance the final sound of a song. The harmonies can be dissonant or consonant. Dissonant harmonies introduce tension and instability. The consonant harmonies sound pleasing to the ear. Normally the dissonant harmonies are resolved by consonant chords releasing the tension.


The structure of a song is also called musical form. It is the blueprint for a composition. Form includes dynamics, timbre, melody, and harmony in the song. Think of it as a map including points of tension, release, climax and resolution.

Music theory is about creating and understand good music. It is the foundational grammar of the music language. A strong understanding of music theory will elevate any singer or musician to the next level.


“How is it that music can, without words, evoke our laughter, our fears, our highest aspirations?” – Jane Swan

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