Patterns exist all around you. Everywhere you look there are patterns in floors, ceilings, nature, architectural designs, art and math. Music is no different, it is sound made up of various patterns in the song. For instance, the singer will vocalize a melody pattern. The pianist or other instruments will play the harmonic and rhythmic patterns throughout the song. Even the lyrics are usually created with a musical form or patterns. Let’s look at these four types of patterns that make up a song.


Patterns exist all around you. Everywhere you look there are patterns in floors, ceilings, nature, architectural designs, art and math. Music is no different, it is sound made up of various patterns in the song. For instance, the singer will vocalize a melody pattern. The pianist or other instruments will play the harmonic and rhythmic patterns throughout the song. Even the lyrics are usually created with a musical form or patterns. Let’s look at these four types of patterns that make up a song.

  1. The melody pattern is a repetitive pattern of notes being sung throughout the song. For instance, the hook or a motif would be considered a melodic pattern. It is the repetition of a group of notes that sound good together.
  • The harmonic pattern refers to singers and instruments harmonizing with one another. Band members harmonize with one another depending on the key of a song and the chords progressions that are being played. As a result, you hear beautiful and harmonic structure of sound.
  • The rhythmic pattern referring to timing or the beat of a song. Rhythm can exist without a melody in a song, but a melody cannot exist without a rhythmic pattern. A good rhythmic pattern is an essential element in music. You can blend together sounds with various instruments, but without a rhythmic backbone the song falls flat.
  • The lyrical pattern is made up of musical form patterns. For instance, verse-verse-chorus-verse (AABA) or verse-chorus-verse-chorus (ABAB). Some songs are written with a verse, bridge, chorus (ABC). They are all put together with some type of pattern.

In conclusion, musical patterns exist in every song creating structural organization. I tell my voice and piano students to look for the patterns in a song. Recognizing these patterns in a song will help you learn it quicker and can be a guide when writing a song.


“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” – Billy Joel

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