Every singer has their own unique vocal tone and vocal tone is like a fine wine. There is no wrong way to describe it. There are many different types of vocal tone descriptions. When you hear Lady Gaga sound or Beyonce sing, you know exactly who it is because of their own unique sound or vocal tone. I’m sure you can identify the voice of Pink verses Lady Gaga, or Beyonce verses Taylor Swift, all distinctly different, unique and identifiable.
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Every singer has their own unique vocal tone and vocal tone is like a fine wine. There is no wrong way to describe it. There are many different types of vocal tone descriptions. When you hear Lady Gaga sound or Beyonce sing, you know exactly who it is because of their own unique sound or vocal tone. I’m sure you can identify the voice of Pink verses Lady Gaga, or Beyonce verses Taylor Swift, all distinctly different, unique and identifiable.

There are many kinds of voice types and many types of vocal tone. Some of the words used to describe vocal tone would be: brassy, dark, bright, rich, breathy, nasal, ethereal, raspy, heavy, bold, booming, or even angelic. The range of a singer will also affect their vocal tone. If the singer has a higher range verses a lower range, the description of their tone will be influenced.

Vocal tone and intonation are very different. The vocal tone is a description of the singer’s sound. Intonation refers to how well musicians/singers stay in tune with one another or harmonies with one another.  

The placement of sound (it’s where you are projecting the exhale of air) will affect your sound. For instance, placing the sound to the front of the roof of your mouth verses to the top of your head will affect your sound. Pay attention to what your tone sounds like and how you can make it sound better.


“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

– Aldous Huxley

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