There are very few singers that sing naturally and have complete control of their voice. Often a singer will sing freely without paying attention to what they  sound like. To create a polished and professional sound, it’s all in the controlled details and adding emphasis at the beginning of a note, word or phrase.
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There are very few singers that sing naturally and have complete control of their voice. Often a singer will sing freely without paying attention to what they  sound like. To create a polished and professional sound, it’s all in the controlled details and adding emphasis at the beginning of a note, word or phrase.

There is a gap between the two vocal cords (folds), which is called the glottis. The vocal cords open and close like a curtain. The ligaments and muscles move the vocal cords to opened and closed, create tension and make the vocal cords hold together closely.

The hard attack of a note is when a singer causes the vocal cords to hit together, creating a specific sound. Rock singers use this vocal onset technique, it’s called a hard attack or glottal attack of the note. It is used to belt out emphasis at the initial approach to a note or word. Proper technique requires you to use diaphragm and breath support. A hard attack on the note creates a strong sound to start the note or word. It creates an emphasis at the beginning of a word being sung. It’s important to be selective as to where you use this technique. Pick the words you want to emphasize. Usually, the first word in a phrase should be emphasized. Starting on a solid, strong note that does not necessarily mean loud.


What do you call a guitar player that only knows two chords?
A music critic

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