You can damage your vocal cords in many ways. During the winter months it’s important to keep your voice in tip top shape. The fluctuation in temperature and cold weather will bring about vocal challenges. Irritation or inflammation will prevent your vocal cords from closing properly. When this happens, you will not be able to hit those high notes and your voice will not sound its best. Here are three tips to keep your voice in shape during the winter months.


You can damage your vocal cords in many ways. During the winter months it’s important to keep your voice in tip top shape. The fluctuation in temperature and cold weather will bring about vocal challenges. Irritation or inflammation will prevent your vocal cords from closing properly. When this happens, you will not be able to hit those high notes and your voice will not sound its best. Here are three tips to keep your voice in shape during the winter months.

First, start your day with easy warm to protect your vocal cords. There are so many different vocal exercises, my personal favorites are the bubble (lip trills) or the r roll (tongue trills). You can do the bubble and r roll exercises even if you have a sore throat or experiencing a cold, you cannot hurt your voice with these exercises. Take 10 to 15 minutes to warm-up your voice properly.  

Secondly, it’s just as important to stay hydrated in the winter. Water is always the best, as well as coconut water and hot tea. Your vocal cords will function better when they are lubricated, so hydrate!

The third tip is the heaters in your home or car which will dry out your vocal cords quickly. You can use a humidifier in your home. It will really give your voice a boost a boost of hydration. A humidifier will help your respiratory health as well as preventing dry vocal cords.


“Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.” – George Eliot

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