Every singer has experienced a shift or break in their voice while singing. Moving from one register to another can be challenging. As you move up and down your singing range, it is important to transition through these areas with ease. There are usually two natural transition points.
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Every singer has experienced a shift or break in their voice while singing. Moving from one register to another can be challenging. As you move up and down your singing range, it is important to transition through these areas with ease. There are usually two natural transition points. There is the primo passaggio (chest to middle register) and secondo passaggio (middle to head register). Here are a few ways to erase your voice breaks.

The first exercise is to make the Hmmmm sound moving from the head register down to the chest register. This exercise allows you to move through registers with ease. Notice how easily the sound moves from high to low.

The second exercise is the whiney puppy which moves the sound down up. You can use the Ahhhh sigh from high to low. Start with the whiney puppy moving from the low register to the high registers and then switch to the Ahhhh moving from high to low registers.

The third and fourth exercises are the lip trills (Bubble) and tongue trills (R Roll) moving up and down the registers. The goal is to train your throat muscles to NOT constrict or close up. Focus on keeping an open throat. The idea is to train your throat muscles pull outward (left and right) and not close off the air passing through your throat. It takes time to master the passage from one register to another.


“My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.”  – Martin Luther King

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