Have you ever heard someone say to a singer “I like how you sound” which is his or her tone. Have you ever noticed how pianos sound differently, a Steinway verses a Baldwin piano, instruments sound differently depending on type and brand.  This is referring to is the specific tone of your voice or the way the instrument sounds. The specific qualities and colors (warm, dark, bright, harsh) of the sound differs from singer to singer, or one instrument to another.
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Have you ever heard someone say to a singer “I like how you sound” which is his or her tone. Have you ever noticed how pianos sound differently, a Steinway verses a Baldwin piano, instruments sound differently depending on type and brand.  This is referring to is the specific tone of your voice or the way the instrument sounds. The specific qualities and colors (warm, dark, bright, harsh) of the sound differs from singer to singer, or one instrument to another.

Every singer has their own unique tone, depending on the shape of your head, sinus area, and throat. This is why siblings and family members blend well together. Their body structure is similar and therefore their tone will be similar. You can manipulate your tone to change the sound with different techniques. 

If you think about all the different types of guitars, pianos, banjos, etc., they all have their own unique tone or sound. The tone of an instrument can be manipulated as well, with different pedals, electronic gadgets, tuning and technique.

A musical tone and vocal tone are characterized by duration, pitch, intensity (loud or soft) and timbre (quality). The musical instrument tone is characterized by the instrument itself and playing technique. And the tone of a singer by his or her own unique physical structure creating the sound.


“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without? – Confucius

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