There are always ups and downs in life. It’s the same with your career, your personal life and life in general. You may have strained your voice and can’t sing. Or had an accident and can’t play the piano for a while. Maybe you lost your job. All these things happen to everyone, there are no exceptions. Someone may look like they have the perfect life, but there are dealing with challenges that you cannot see. That’s life! It’s all about what you do in these challenging hard times that matters. How you react and how you respond will determine your results.


There are always ups and downs in life. It’s the same with your career, your personal life and life in general. You may have strained your voice and can’t sing. Or had an accident and can’t play the piano for a while. Maybe you lost your job. All these things happen to everyone, there are no exceptions. Someone may look like they have the perfect life, but there are dealing with challenges that you cannot see. That’s life! It’s all about what you do in these challenging hard times that matters. How you react and how you respond will determine your results.

Don’t spend your time on thinking “why did this happen.” It’s a waste of time an energy. Pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Don’t be afraid, put in the hard work and make it happen. Any singer or musician that ever made it big, put in the practice time and got the experience. Do what needs to be done, no one else is going to do it for you. Moving forward is the only path to success. Burying yourself in self-pity is a waste of time. You can give yourself a day or two to have your pity party, but then pick yourself up and get on with it. Pick up the pieces and make something bigger and better!

It’s all about your mind set. Try to anticipate good, be an optimist. Some of the most successful people I know always look at life’s negative circumstances in a positive light. There are some many examples of people who grew up in poverty, no family, physical problems and more. They did not let these things stop them. They were determined to make things happen. So, whatever your goals, dreams and desires are, make a resolution for 2024 to make your dreams become reality. Pick yourself up and make things happen!


“Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.” – Sarah Dessen

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