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What is inside your voice box? There are many components of the voice box. They are the larynx and the vocal cords (folds), but the larynx has many parts. The voice box is another name for the larynx. The larynx helps you to breathe and the vocal cords make the sound.

The Larynx is made up of the laryngeal skeleton which has nine cartilages: the thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, cuneiform cartilages, corniculate cartilages, arytenoid cartilages, and the epiglottis. The cuneiform, corniculate and arytenoid are paired. There are some ligaments and muscles that create movement in the larynx.

The vocal cords are part of the larynx as well. The vocal cords vibrate, creating sound when you sing or speak.

When singing the high notes, be aware of the muscles in your neck. Make sure you do not let the muscles constrict, closing up the throat, restricting the airflow. Tension is very common with singers, but if there is tension, it can be heard in the voice. Try singing the word “Mum” and go up to the high notes and keep the larynx down naturally.

The end result is to keep an open throat, no matter what note you are singing. Once this space is achieved, it has been my experience that a perfect blending of the registers is the result.

JOKE FOR THE DAY:                                      

Why are jazz musicians so sweet?           

Because they play in jam sessions!   

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