Your health is the foundation for everything! Whether you are singing, playing piano, taking a walk, or enjoying time with family, without good health you cannot enjoy anything. In order to have good vocal health, and have a solid vocal foundation to belt out a song, you must have good physical and mental health.

Singing is a sport, as well as an art. Always keep your voice in tip top shape. During the holiday season it’s important to take care of your voice. It’s easy to skip a work out or eat a lot of junk food. Alcohol consumption increases during this time of year as well. The combination of all these things will harm your mental and physical health, therefore impact your vocal health.


There are different ways to sing in your head register. You can sing in a classical way, the sound feels like it’s going to the top of your head. That can be done with some power or a lighter tone. You can also sing in your head register with a mixed voice. This gives a fuller, richer and more powerful sound. What is the difference? It’s where the sound is vibrating.

When singing classically or old school, the sound feels like it’s going to the top or your head. But if you focus on placing it in the sinus mask area with breath and diaphragm support, you will get a strong chest voice in the higher pitches. Using the word nay, nay in the head register will help you understand what it feels like.

The next time you sing an ascending vocal scale or you sing a high note, try thinking of the way an elevator works. A heavy weight is attached to a pulley and as the weight pulls down, the elevator actually goes up to the higher floors. So, the highest floor is reached when the weight is the heaviest. Similarly, you should think down for your high notes or think of adding weight (resistance) in your gut to hit the highest notes. That means tightening your stomach muscles and the muscles around you rib cage. This is breath and diaphragm support.

The mixed voice feels like a lighter version of chest voice and a fuller version of head voice. It combines the beautiful highs of head voice with the deep and strong lows of chest voice. The combining of chest and head voice creates an even vocal tone from the lower range of your voice to the top of your range in the head voice.

Music Quote:

Tell me what you listen to, and I’ll tell you who you are.” – Tiffanie DeBartolo

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