No matter what age you are, always remain a student. Never stop learning, learn to listen to others and hear what they have to say. Two people can experience the same incident and walk away with two different stories, because they have different perspectives. What they see and translate in their mind will be different than what you see and how you process the information. You must have grit with purpose to create a good mindset for your singing performance. You must have a good mental state of mind and control when singing.


Why do you want to be a singer or pianist? Is this something you would like to do as a career? Or are you just having fun and want to learn? Or do you have deeper intentions? Are you trying to get a message out? Is there a desire to share your experiences and feeling to touch other lives?

Whether it’s a career or you are just having fun, you need to dig deep and let yourself be vulnerable. This is the hardest thing for anyone to do. No one wants to feel vulnerable, but to make an impact you have to go to those uncomfortable places and share you experiences and true feelings. The broken heart, the feeling of loss, or hopelessness are all feelings no one likes to share. Stay close to how you feel. Don’t let walls build up and shut off your emotions. It will hurt you as an artist.

Singing is not just about sharing your voice with an audience. It’s about sharing who you are and also who you want to be in that moment. By share you deep intentions and emotions, watch your performance soar. You must connect and feel the song to really make an impact. Connect to the song and let the music consume you with emotion while you are singing. Be vulnerable, be emotional, these are more important than technique when you sing.


“If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that…I believe in what I do, and I’ll say it.” – John Lennon

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