This is part one of Christina Aguilera’s warm-ups. Warming up is quite different than performing. You want to keep everything relaxed without any tension. In a live performance you need to convey facial expressions and emotion which is not a relaxed facial expression. For these warm-ups keep your face, neck and body relaxed as you do these warm ups.


This is part one of Christina Aguilera’s warm-ups. Warming up is quite different than performing. You want to keep everything relaxed without any tension. In a live performance you need to convey facial expressions and emotion which is not a relaxed facial expression. For these warm-ups keep your face, neck and body relaxed as you do these warm ups.

Relax everything in your body, face, neck and anywhere you feel tension. Take in a deep breath and exhale slowly releasing all tension. Now, breath in through your nose and exhale forcefully short, fast, rapid, quick snorts or puffs of air like a choo choo train, through your nose. Use your abdominal muscles and feel it in your chest. Continue with rapid and shallow exhales. Then inhale again and repeat. Keep doing this for 50 to 75 reps. Finish with a deep breath and slow exhale.

Christina Aguilera likes to start her vocal warm ups in her head register with falsetto (a lighter vocal) with the “Ooh” sound. Make sure to keep an open throat as you hit the high notes. Do not let your throat close up. It feels like a yawn. Your soft palate located at the roof of your mouth toward the back will raise. As you sing higher, you can shift to the “uh” sound. The melody sounds like “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire” by Nate King Cole except with “Oohs.” You should not feel any strain.

The second exercise is singing in falsetto with the “ee” sound. When taking the “ee” sound higher you can change the vowel sound into “ih” or “ah” to open the vowel sound and make it rounder. This will help prevent strain. When singing the “ee” sound, singers have a tendency to tense up the neck muscles. Now, sing the “ee” sound like “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire” and keep going higher just like the first exercise with “Ooh.”

Next blog, part two is about belting warm-ups.


“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.” – Steve Maraboli

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