There are a few different techniques used to create a unique vocal sound. The pop, soul, R&B, rock, jazz, blues, electronic dance, hip-hop, funk and country genres all use these techniques. There are four techniques used to create an edgy vocal sound: the vocal fry, diphthong, unique pronunciation and breathiness.
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There are a few different techniques used to create a unique vocal sound. The pop, soul, R&B, rock, jazz, blues, electronic dance, hip-hop, funk and country genres all use these techniques. There are four techniques used to create an edgy vocal sound: the vocal fry, diphthong, unique pronunciation and breathiness.

The first technique is called the vocal fry. It is used to create a sultry and raspy sound. You can create this sound by bringing the vocal cords together loosely, so they are partially connected. Mick Jagger, Lenny Kravitz, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears are a few celebrities that are known for their vocal fry.

The second technique is called diphthong. Diphthong is when two vowel sounds are next to each other in a word. The second vowel is the diphthong. This happens when one vowel sound moves into the second vowel sound like “night” “n-ih-ee-t.”

The third technique is about how you pronounce your words when you sing. Each of these genres has their own unique way of pronunciation. Singer like Katy Perry, Sia and Brittany Spears experiment with this and bend the rules.

The fourth vocal technique used is called a breathiness or aspirate onset. It is a very effective way to relay an intimate and sensual sound. This sound is created by not allowing the vocal cords to connect, they come together just enough to produce this breathy sound like Marilyn Monroe.

Music Quote For The Day:

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” – Bob Marley

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