Trying to capture the emotions of a song comes easily to some singers, but some it’s a struggle. If you are the type of person who does not show much emotion and you’ve learned to stop feeling emotions, this will not be easy for you. You need to care about the meaning of what you are singing. If you cannot connect to the song, the audience will not connect with you. Choose the right songs and make sure the songs…


Trying to capture the emotions of a song comes easily to some singers, but some it’s a struggle. If you are the type of person who does not show much emotion and you’ve learned to stop feeling emotions, this will not be easy for you.

You need to care about the meaning of what you are singing. If you cannot connect to the song, the audience will not connect with you. Choose the right songs and make sure the songs have meaning to you. You need an emotional connection to the song. You can also connect to the feel, rhythm and beat of the song. I’ve worked with kids that really had no clue of what they were singing about, and yet they sang with such emotion and feeling. They attached to the beat and rhythm of the song.

To capture emotions, feelings and outwardly express your feelings through singing and performance is one of the main elements for a success artist. Make sure you understand the lyrics and tell the story through your singing. Facial expressions are a way to sing with emotional expression. It’s important that your facial expression matches the mood of the song. It’s confusing to the audience if your expressions do not match the feeling of the song. Make sure you choose songs you can relate to.

Music Quote Of The Day:

If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music, I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” – Albert Einstein

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