How do you get a brighter vocal sound? What is a bright singing voice. Children’s voices are natural higher and brighter than adults. Sopranos and tenors tend to have brighter voices than altos and basses. Many professional singers rely on the sound engineer to brighten their vocals by cutting lower frequencies and boosting high-frequencies. But there is a way to make any voice naturally brighter!  You can make your voice brighter by the shape of your mouth. If you smile…


How do you get a brighter vocal sound? What is a bright singing voice. Children’s voices are natural higher and brighter than adults. Sopranos and tenors tend to have brighter voices than altos and basses. Many professional singers rely on the sound engineer to brighten their vocals by cutting lower frequencies and boosting high-frequencies. But there is a way to make any voice naturally brighter! 

You can make your voice brighter by the shape of your mouth. If you smile while you sing it will brighten your sound. When you smile it raises your larynx. As your larynx raises, your vocal tract becomes smaller which brightens your vocal resonance.  

Pop songs have a rather distinctive bright poppy sounding tone. This tone can be found more towards the front, using nasal resonance. An easy way to think of it is singing with a smile, the brain automatically translates this to bright tone when we speak and sing. 

Everyone has their own unique timbre or tone. So, brighten the vocal color of your voice and open your mouth like a big smile, open throat, and a neutral position for the tongue.  


“Music is to the soul what words are to the mind.”  – Modest Mouse 

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