When you stand up on stage to sing, there is literally nothing for you to hide behind. No piano, no guitar, no instruments, it’s just you! You never know when an opportunity will arise to sing. That’s why it’s important to keep your voice in excellent condition. Here are five steps to help you get your voice in the best shape and keep it that way. Every few months reevaluate your voice and note the progress you have made.


When you stand up on stage to sing, there is literally nothing for you to hide behind. No piano, no guitar, no instruments, it’s just you! You never know when an opportunity will arise to sing. That’s why it’s important to keep your voice in excellent condition. Here are five steps to help you get your voice in the best shape and keep it that way.

  1. It’s a must to practice every day! And in order for you voice to improve and keep it in the best condition, you need to do your vocal exercises daily!
  2. The Bubble (lip trills) and the R Roll (tongue trills) are two of the most important exercises. They strengthen your voice in all three registers. These exercises help you transition through registers with ease, improve breath control, works out all the muscles used for singing and increases range higher and lower.
  3. Record yourself when you practice and listen back to see how you sound. Are you on the notes? Is your timing good?
  4. Diction or enunciation which means to close out your words.
  5. Work on control, holding notes with and without vibrato.

Every few months reevaluate your voice and note the progress you have made.  Record what areas still needs work and set some new goals. Make sure to sing by yourself and don’t sing along with the singer of the song. If you sing along with a singer, it’s impossible to really evaluate your own voice.

Quote For The Day:

Music gives a soul to the universe, wing to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. – Plato

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