“Never limit your vision based on your current resources” quote by Michael Hyatt. If you have no vision, no goals set, you’re adrift with no direction. It does not matter how old you are or how far you’ve come, you must always have a vision and then set your goals to accomplish your vision. Having a vision gives you a sense of purpose and direction. Do you want to be a songwriter? Do you want to be a singer? Do you want to be in a band? What is it you really want in your life? Once you’ve determined your vision, you must focus on it! What you focus on will become your reality.


Breathing is so natural and automatic to us, it’s hard to believe that we could be doing it wrong. Breath exercises for singing can dramatically improve the caliber of vocal performance. Each note and phrase relies on a source of air being exhaled in a steady stream, holding the notes in place. Proper breath work is crucial for any singer!

The description of breath work in vocal pedagogy is described like this: the diaphragm pushes the air from the lungs through the vocal folds (vocal cords). As the air passes through the vocal folds, it produces a “train” of air. Now picture a train on the tracks moving forward and the train is air. The train of air is shaped by the resonances or air vibrations of the vocal tract. The train of air moves through the throat into the oral and sinus cavity. The key is to control the rate of speed and volume of air.

Inhaling too much air may cause pressure to build in your throat. On the other hand, too little air will weaken the voice; this is why you should master how to control airflow. There are many vocal exercises to help with breath control. My personal favorites are the Bubble (lip trills) and R Roll (tongue trills). Ask your vocal coach in your next voice lesson what exercises are recommended.


What’s the difference between a banjo and an onion?
Nobody cries when you chop up a banjo.

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