There are different styles of singing, but good basic technique is the same regardless of the style. The foundation is paramount; good posture, tongue placement, diaphragm/breath support, and a smooth transition from one register to another. All of these pop singers have flawless technique: Ariana Grande, Whitney Houston, Selena Gomez, Harry Styles and Mariah Carey. Let’s look at the characteristics of the pop singer’s style. Some pop singers use a softer tone when they sing, like Billie Eilish and Harry…


There are different styles of singing, but good basic technique is the same regardless of the style. The foundation is paramount; good posture, tongue placement, diaphragm/breath support, and a smooth transition from one register to another. All of these pop singers have flawless technique: Ariana Grande, Whitney Houston, Selena Gomez, Harry Styles and Mariah Carey. Let’s look at the characteristics of the pop singer’s style.

Some pop singers use a softer tone when they sing, like Billie Eilish and Harry Styles. While other pop singer will use a mixed voice with breath control with power like Whitney, Ariana and Mariah, but then pull it back into a softer tone. All pop singer place the sound (resonance or vibration) into the sinus mask.

The pop genre of singing uses a straight tone, as well as vibrato. For instance, Billie Eilish sings with a straight tone. The straight tone is when you hold the note without wavering on it. Some pop singers like Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande and Whitney Houston are known for their beautiful vibrato when they hold a note.

Another technique used by some pop singers is called inflection or intonation, as well as bending the note. This happens when you change the tone or pitch to convey more meaning and emotion. The rise and fall of the note. You can here Christina Aguilera using inflections in “Genie In A Bottle” check out 0:24 – 0:32 where she begins “licken your lips and blowing kisses my way…baby, baby, baby” you can hear the bending of notes and inflection in her voice

Pop singers are notorious for playing with the enunciation of vowel sounds and words. Listen to Sia singing “Alive” and how she enunciates her words, uses inflections, intonation, and flips notes

Conveying emotion is what it’s all about. You have to feel that emotion in order to convey it. Let the sound come from your core and keep an open throat. You need to learn as many vocal tools as you can to convey the feeling and emotion you want the audience to experience. If you have a great foundation for your vocal technique, you will be able the express the song exactly the way you feel it.


Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.” – Sarah Dessen

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