There are two very important muscles used when you sing. These two muscles are used to move from one register to another. They can also cause vocal breaks in your singing. The two muscles are the Thyroarytenoid and Cricothyroid. Vocal breaks can happen when these two muscles are in opposition and not working well together. To understand how this works, you need to understand what they do.


There are two very important muscles used when you sing. These two muscles are used to move from one register to another. They can also cause vocal breaks in your singing. The two muscles are the Thyroarytenoid and Cricothyroid. Vocal breaks can happen when these two muscles are in opposition and not working well together. To understand how this works, you need to understand what they do.

The Thyroarytenoid muscle is a complex muscle used when singing in your lower or chest voice because it shortens and thickens the vocal cords. It is a broad and thin muscle that is the physical structure (or the body) of the vocal cords. The Thyroarytenoid helps regulate the length and tension of the vocal cords. When the muscle shortens the vocal cords it causes them to vibrate slower and lowers your pitch.

The Cricothyroid Muscle is used when you sing in your head register.  It lengthens and tightens the vocal cords. This muscle stretches or elongates, thinning your vocal cords causing them to vibrate faster which raises your pitch.  

When these two muscles are in opposition and are not working together, you can experience a vocal break. It could be that the Thyroarytenoid or Cricothyroid are unbalanced. One of the muscles could be stronger than the other, which means you will favor one register over the other. The other reason could be from tension. When approaching the high notes, the muscles in your neck will tense up and restrict you from hitting the note. To fix those vocal breaks, you need to train those muscles to work together, instead of in opposition. The Bubble (lip trill) or the R Roll (tongue trill) really help them work together seamlessly. These exercises will help retrain those muscles to work in harmony together!


A great song should life your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good.

Colbie Caillet

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