Every singer should know how to move from one register to another with ease. The ability to sing the low notes, move through the middle voice and hit the high notes without any vocal restriction is something that needs to be taught. It is not something that happens naturally. Most singers natural sing with middle to lower register or middle to higher register. Learning how to move smoothly through is not simple and does take work.


Every singer should know how to move from one register to another with ease. The ability to sing the low notes, move through the middle voice and hit the high notes without any vocal restriction is something that needs to be taught. It is not something that happens naturally. Most singers natural sing with middle to lower register or middle to higher register. Learning how to move smoothly through is not simple and does take work.

When you speak, there is no tension or strain in of the voice. The same should be true when you sing. There should be no tension or straining when you sing. All singers need the freedom to sing any notes or style of music without breaks or shifts in the voice. Vocal exercises will help singers move through the breaks without strain or disconnect in their sound. The goal is to keep an open throat and train the muscles in your neck to not constrict and cut off the airway.

When singing the high notes, be aware of the muscles in your neck; make sure you do not constrict (close up) the airflow. The bubble (lip trills) or tongue trills (R roll) are great exercises and you will notice your larynx will drop slightly, in naturally way, and never cause tension. Tension is very common with singers, but if there is tension it can be heard in the voice. Try singing the word “Mum” using the scales to the highest note you can reach and keep the larynx down naturally. The end result is to keep an open throat, no matter what note you are singing. This will allow you to sing without any problems from one register to another with ease.


“In the 60s people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, people take Prozac to make it normal.”
Damon Albarn

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