As a singer, your body is your instrument and you need to take care of it. The environment and the foods you eat affect your overall health which in turn will affect your singing. We will look at food types and environmental factors you need to avoid to take care of yourself and protect your voice. There are certain foods and beverages to avoid prior to a performance.


As a singer, your body is your instrument and you need to take care of it. The environment and the foods you eat affect your overall health which in turn will affect your singing. We will look at food types and environmental factors you need to avoid to take care of yourself and protect your voice.

There are certain foods and beverages to avoid prior to a performance. Dairy, spicy or fried foods, alcohol and caffeine produce mucous and inflammation. The mucous and inflammation will create sinus and throat issues that will affect your singing. The spicy and fried food will create acid reflux, which is a major problem for any singer. The irritation will create problems with range, vocal flexibility and breath control. It’s best to keep a journal and note if you have reactions to the foods and beverages you consume.

Environmental factors play a significant role in your vocal health. Air conditioning, extreme heat or cold, dust, mold and chemicals all affect your vocal health. If you have allergies, journal when you begin to feel it coming on and what month it seems to disappear. Allergy shots or Allegra can help. Try keeping your environment dust free and if you have a dry climate use a humidifier. Stay far away from smoke of any kind. This is a major irritant to the throat.

A singer should think like an athlete and train your voice. Learn proper vocal and breathing techniques from a professional vocal coach in a voice. Take care of your musical instrument which is your body!


How many lead singers does it take to change a light bulb?

One. The singer holds the bulb while the world revolves around him.

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