The goal is to extend your singing range higher and lower. It doesn’t matter if you start with a one octave range, which is eight notes, or three octave range. It’s all about creating goals to improve your voice. Have you ever noticed if you stop singing for weeks or a month and go back to sing a song and cannot hit the high and low notes!


The goal is to extend your singing range higher and lower. It doesn’t matter if you start with a one octave range, which is eight notes, or three octave range. It’s all about creating goals to improve your voice. Have you ever noticed if you stop singing for weeks or a month and go back to sing a song and cannot hit the high and low notes! You can lose the progress you’ve made if you stop working at it. Here are three daily tips to build your vocal range.

Tip #1 Build your range slowly and set a realistic goal by increasing your range one note higher and one note lower in two weeks. Once you’ve reached that goal repeat the same process again. The time frame depends on how often you practice. When you set a goal for yourself be realistic and patient. Daily practice is ideal, even if it’s only 15 minutes a day.

Tip #2 To expand your vocal range, it’s all in your vocal exercises. Using the Bubble (motor boat sound) also called lip trills and the “R” roll which is the tongue trill (like rolling your R’s in Spanish) are the best ways to expand your range easily and effectively. They are wonderful exercises to increase your range without harming your voice in any way.

Tip #3 Choose challenging songs that make you a better singer. I like to listen to and sing with other inspirational singers that challenge me vocally. It is a wonderful learning tool to listen to different singers (different styles) and how they approach higher and lower notes. Are they changing the vowel sound when they go higher? What do you hear?

Expanding your vocal range won’t happen overnight. It is a gradual process and does take time. Using proper technique, setting realistic goals and using your daily vocal exercises will help you hit higher and lower notes. You will see improvement and your range will increase if you are consistent with your daily tips.


Mom, why do you always stand by the window when I practice for my singing lessons?

I don’t want the neighbors to think I’m employing corporal punishment, dear.

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