Resonance will enhance your vocal tone, increase your volume, reduce strain and fatigue. The nasal resonators play a small part in resonance. The paranasal sinuses are small hallow spaces located around the nose. And the paranasal sinuses are named after the bones that house them. They are not the same as the nasal cavities, but both are part of the nasal vestibule.

There are four pairs of sinus cavities and they are named after the bones that contain them. The maxillary sinuses are near the cheekbones, located on each side of your nose. The frontal sinuses are located near the lower center of your forehead, above the eyes. The ethmoid sinuses are located between the eyes, on each side of the bridge of your nose. And the sphenoid sinuses are located behind your nose. Who knew we had so many sinuses!

Singing With Nasal Resonators

Resonance will enhance your vocal tone, increase your volume, reduce strain and fatigue. The nasal resonators play a small part in resonance. The paranasal sinuses are small hallow spaces located around the nose. And the paranasal sinuses are named after the bones that house them. They are not the same as the nasal cavities, but both are part of the nasal vestibule.

There are four pairs of sinus cavities and they are named after the bones that contain them. The maxillary sinuses are near the cheekbones, located on each side of your nose. The frontal sinuses are located near the lower center of your forehead, above the eyes. The ethmoid sinuses are located between the eyes, on each side of the bridge of your nose. And the sphenoid sinuses are located behind your nose. Who knew we had so many sinuses!

One thing is certain, the sinuses do not play a significant role in singing. Yes, they resonate (along with the rest of the skull), but their audible contribution to vocal resonance is small. Though they resonate they do not significantly change the sound coming from the mouth. The bone-conducting sound you hear and the vibration you feel when you are singing can be affected.


How does a young man become a member of a high school chorus?
On the first day of school, he turns into the wrong classroom.

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