Do you want to add more color and texture to your singing. There are a few ways to add weird textures to your vocals that will really create a cool and distinct sound. Some of the weird textures are breathy, growl. vibrato or a delicate vocal sound. These textures will evoke emotion when you sing. The delicate vocals sound like a haunting or ghostly sound. You can use a pause or break at the end of a phrase.


Do you want to add more color and texture to your singing. There are a few ways to add weird textures to your vocals that will really create a cool and distinct sound. Some of the weird textures are breathy, growl. vibrato or a delicate vocal sound. These textures will evoke emotion when you sing.

The delicate vocals sound like a haunting or ghostly sound. You can use a pause or break at the end of a phrase. Country singers and pop singers love to use quivers, groans and embellishments (runs and riffs).

Adding vibrato in just the right places in a song will build energy and emotion. It is the rhythmic pulsation of sound and bending the note in pitch. The sound of vibrato will sound different from one artist to another. For instance, Dolly Parton has a very fast vibrato and Whitney Houston fluctuates in the speed of her vibrato.

The sexy growl, also called vocal fry has a raspy sound in the lower register. To create the vocal fry, take the note as low as you can, using your diaphragm and surrounding muscles (stomach and ribs/lungs area) giving it strength/power, using the muscles to squeeze and push the air up and out. The air pressure will create the growl sound.

The breathy sound, also called aspirate onset is a soft vocal sound. Marilyn Monroe would sing and speak with this sound. The aspirate vocal onset happens when the vocal folds (cords) come together after the airflow has started to pass through.

Focus on the emotion and the feel of the song. To know when to add one of these amazing textures to the song.


“We only knew four chords, but we arranged them pretty well.”
Lemmy, on Hawkwind

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