We’ve discussed the chest register and the middle register in the previous blogs. The head register is described as vibrations you feel in your skull or head as you sing. If you place your hand on the crown of your head and simply hum the letter “M,” you will feel the vibrations in the palm of your hand. If you try to make a siren sound like “WEE-oww” or Waaaaaahhhhhh,” that is your head register. There are different ways to…


We’ve discussed the chest register and the middle register in the previous blogs. The head register is described as vibrations you feel in your skull or head as you sing. If you place your hand on the crown of your head and simply hum the letter “M,” you will feel the vibrations in the palm of your hand. If you try to make a siren sound like “WEE-oww” or Waaaaaahhhhhh,” that is your head register.

There are different ways to sing in your head register. For instance, falsetto which is a light, almost flute like sound. The whistle which is very high and sounds almost like a whistle. Mariah Carey is famous for hitting those whistle notes. You can also use a breathy voice while singing in your head register. Another way to sing in your head register is using a mixed voice. The mixed voice gives you a full and rich sound. If you consider vibratory patterns the falsetto and whistle can be considered registers in their own right. The vibration is still felt in the head.

You have a head register it’s just learning how to access it or feel it. As you sing higher notes, your vocal cords become thinner. Your vocal cords are still hard at work. However, the predominant resonator is your sinus area when singing in your head register. It does not mean other vocal structures are not resonating. It just means more resonance is in your sinus cavity.


“Get up from that piano. You hurtin’ its feelings.”
Jelly Roll Morton

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