The middle register (middle voice) is between your chest voice and your head voice. It is simply the area that crosses over from the chest voice to the head voice. Using your middle voice is relevant in all singing styles. Think of your middle voice as the bridge between your chest and head voice. When using your middle voice you should feel vibration around the lower part of your face, chin, and upper neck area. What you are feeling is…


The middle register (middle voice) is between your chest voice and your head voice. It is simply the area that crosses over from the chest voice to the head voice. Using your middle voice is relevant in all singing styles. Think of your middle voice as the bridge between your chest and head voice.

When using your middle voice you should feel vibration around the lower part of your face, chin, and upper neck area. What you are feeling is your hard palate resonating. You might feel sympathetic vibrating in other areas.

The key is to train your larynx to naturally drop when descending in pitch. You never want to force the larynx down but train it to drop by opening the throat in the back. Do this exercise: inhale slowly, as you do this you will feel your larynx lower slowly; the back wall of your throat opens beyond the back of your tongue. As you inhale the soft palate rises and larynx drops. Work on mastering this when singing and you will have a smooth transition from one register to another. When you practice the Bubble (lip trills) and “R” Roll (tongue trills) you will feel the same thing. You are opening up a large chamber of space in your throat.


Why was the musician arrested?
He was in treble

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