The chest register, also called lower register refers to the natural manner of action of the vocal folds. The majority of talking is done in this register. When you sing in your “chest voice” you should feel more vibration around your lower neck, and sternum. Most men speak entirely within their chest voice, while most women use both their chest and middle voices to speak; this is referred to as “speech level”.


The chest register, also called lower register refers to the natural manner of action of the vocal folds. The majority of talking is done in this register. When you sing in your “chest voice” you should feel more vibration around your lower neck, and sternum.

Most men speak entirely within their chest voice, while most women use both their chest and middle voices to speak; this is referred to as “speech level”. It begins and ends in different places for everyone, depending on your voice category or type (bass, tenor, alto, soprano).

When you sing in your chest voice, your vocal folds (cords) thicken up. The thicker the vocal folds, the fuller the sound. As you inhale, your breath pressure comes under the vocal folds causing the vocal folds to vibrate. If there is a good amount of pressure coming from the muscles around the rib cage, diaphragm and stomach muscles the vocal folds really thicken up and give you a solid, fuller and richer sound.

To expand your lower range use vocal exercises. The Bubble and R Roll are the perfect exercises to expand your range without causing any injury. You can use the vowel sound with “Kah, kay, kee, ki, koh, koo exercises to build your chest register. Notice how your throat opens and as you exhale you can feel the muscles around your rib cage and stomach muscles constrict. That is breath and diaphragm support for your lower register.  The Gug or Hah exercises do the same thing.


What’s the latest crime wave in New York City?
Drive-by trombone solos.

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